• Recent Papers

    • EBP Research/Personal Impact

      This paper offers example answers to questions that pertain to the students proposed research study on falls prevention among elderly patients taking psychotropic medication. Six pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Race, Gender, and Sexuality and the American Family

      This 5 page paper gives a summary of how the homework reading informed the student's opinion on the American family. This paper includes a summary of how race, gender, and sexuality relate to the traditional idea of family. Bibliography list 0 sources because the student didn't provide any source information. ... MORE

    • Marketing Issues for Stores Competing with Discount Stores

      Companies in just about all industries are facing stiff competition from similar stores that offer items at a much lower cost. For instance, two low-cost grocery stores have opened in the United Kingdom and other places and are hurting revenues for stores like Tesco. This essay focuses on different marketing issues, such as the marketing mix, corporate structure, the differences between low-cost and mainstream stores. The essay concludes with two recommendations for Tesco. There are three sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • How Hospitals Are Analyzing Data

      Big Data Analytics is the most recent innovation to work with huge amounts of data. Hospitals not only have a massive amount of data, it is diverse, including documents, images, and other forms of records. This essay provides a PERT chart that displays the progression of information and data to be analyzed or prepared through several steps. The essay specifies how training will occur, what the expected outcomes will be, and how troubleshooting will happen. There are five sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Child Development Issues

      This paper pertains the subjects of Maturational Lag, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and , Children with Hearing Loss. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

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