• Recent Papers

    • Gender Norm Project

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of reactions that the writer noticed when doing a gender norm violation project. This paper includes some information on gender norms in society, as well as how this relates to the gender project done by the writer. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Discussion About Unions

      When unions were first established and for decades later into the early to mid-1950s, they provided fairer wages, safer working conditions, a shorter workweek, and benefits. Their focus seems to have changed over the last few decades. Terminating an employee has become more and more difficult. This essay reports comments from union members and provides steps for firing a union worker. There are three sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Macroeconomic Issues

      Three answers are supplied for questions asked by the student. The first answer explains how the economy is affected by the financial markets. The role and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Chairman are in the second answer. The final answer explains the way interest rates may influence both the financial markets and the economy. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Two Theories, Domestic Violence

      This paper pertains to two theories that explain the causation of domestic violence, feminist theory and the social-ecological model. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • The Decision Over Justin Ellsworth's Email

      This 4 page paper gives an answer to the question of whether or not Yahoo should have given the email access to Justin Ellsworth's parents. This paper includes reason why it's wrong to decide not to protect someone's privacy over the internet when it is in other cases involving someone's private property. Bibliography list sources. ... MORE

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