• Recent Papers

    • Sacrificing Liberty for Security, 9/11 Restrictions

      This argumentative essay states a position against the restrictions imposed under the Patriot Act due to 9/11. At the end of the essay, the writer explains the use of ethos, pathos and logos arguments used in the essay. Three pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • What Causes Birth Defects

      A teratogen is a substance that can cause birth defects/congenital abnormalities. It could also related to the pregnant woman being exposed to something, like rubella. Some of teratogens are identified and discussed. The second part of the paper discusses: how do heredity and early experiences influence brain organization. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • A New World and Social Media

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of social media and social epistemology. This paper includes how social media may be used in a fictional world where a virus makes personal contact impossible. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Ultrasound Technology in Pregnancy

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on existing research on the use of ultrasounds during pregnancy. The author provides an overview of studies that show that there are few benefits from the use of ultrasounds at every visit, but there are two times during a pregnancy when this technology has considerable value. Bibliography lists four sources. ... MORE

    • Challenges for Online Merchants

      E-commerce has grown exponentially over the last several years but many consumers are still fearful of using this mode of shopping. This essay reports what a business must do to set up e-commerce capabilities. There is an emphasis on Online shopping carts. How does a merchant set these up? What challenges exist-shoppers abandon billions of dollars left in those carts but do not complete the sale. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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