• Recent Papers

    • Solving the Threat from North Korean Nuclear Program

      This 7 page paper gives an explanation of the issues with the North Korean nuclear program. This paper includes discussions of the potential solutions to the nuclear threat including imposing economic penalties and negotiations. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" by T. McNally

      This essay pertains to "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" by Terrence McNally. The writer discusses three aspects of the play, which are specifically one of the monologues, sexuality issues and symbolism. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ` ... MORE

    • Effect of Slavery on US, Medieval European Economies

      This paper pertains to the relationship between economics and slavery in the American South and also in medieval Europe. Eight pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Gender Identity Disorder

      The first known example of sexual reassignment is in the Greek Myth Metamorphosis. It became a more popular topic in the 1950s when the DSM included it under sexual disorders. This essay traces some of the history of the concept of this condition, reports research, and reports treatments usually provided. There are ten sources used in this seven page paper. ... MORE


      This 3-page paper delves into the basis of contract law, and whether, in a case study, two people are obligated to buy a car because of a deposit. ... MORE

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