• Recent Papers

    • iPad Technology and the Changed it Caused

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of how the iPad's technology is changing standards. This paper includes an explanation of how other companies need to change their practices to keep up with the iPad. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Iran and the United States Joint Relationship

      This 9 page paper gives an explanation of how the Us and Iran need to cooperate in order to maintain the Us power in the Middle East. This paper includes discussions of Chinese and Russian relations with Iran. Bibliography list 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Impact on Those Who Play Computer Games

      There has been a debate about the impact of action and violent video and computer games on those who play them. This especially pertains to youth. Some argue these games will lead the user to commit criminal acts, other argue they will not. Finally, there are empirical research studies that demonstrate there are numerous positive cognitive and perceptual effects for those who play the games. There are three sources used in this four page paper.a ... MORE

    • Consumer Cooperation for Rate Increase: BC Hydro

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of the company BC Hydro. This paper includes a discussion of the campaign by BC Hydro to convince the customers of how useful the rate increase will be for them. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Case Summary: Tax Evasion Trial of Al Capone

      This 5 page paper gives an explanation of the case for tax evasion against Al Capone. This paper includes a two page annotated bib and a summary of the case against Al Capone. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

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