• Recent Papers

    • Lyme Disease Prevention

      In a paper of four pages, the author reflects on the issue of Lyme Disease (LD) in the United States. The author looks at this disease from an epidemiological perspective to provide primary, secondary and tertiary suggestions for prevention. There are six sources. ... MORE

    • Learning as Adults

      This essay begins with a statement about what the writer expects to learn in the adult education program and whether the writer should just learn about learning styles or take the entire master's program and why. The essay cites some experts and what they said about adult learning. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • The Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of the drugs-crime relationship. This paper includes things like addiction and discusses legal consumption of drugs as it relates to crime. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Parts of Linguistics

      Linguistics is the study of language and how people make and understand the meanings of 'utterances.' There are numerous components and subcomponents within the field of linguistics and language acquisition. This paper discusses two major parts of linguistics, semantics and pragmatics. Each is explained and discussed along with differences and how we use them every day. There are ten sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Bread will Rise With or Without Air Exposure

      This 3 page paper gives a potential experiment that could be dine to test if bread dough rise is effected by air exposure. This paper includes the story of going to the bakery and the bakers broken machine caused small loaves. Bibliography list 1 source. ... MORE

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