Research Paper On Snowboarding

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Manufacturing Process for Snowboards

    A 10 page paper outlining the manufacturing process for snowboards. Though the manufacturing process of snowboards is rather straightforward, there are many opportunities in the process to affect quality, either positively or negatively. The type of material specified in the original design will dictate much of the manufacturing process. Nearly all snowboards are made of wood core construction today, but other materials may come to be much more common in the future. Depending on the nature of those materials, processes may change dramatically in the future. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • The Marketing of Snowboards Case Study Analysis

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses e-commerce possibilities with regard to the marketing of snowboards as they relate to global competition, maintaining a competitive edge and technical aspects of the future site. No bibliography.

  • The Marketing of Snowboards

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses e-commerce possibilities with regard to the marketing of snowboards as they relate to ethics, legalities and advantages. No bibliography.

  • Top2Bottom Snowboards Case Study 1

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses e-commerce possibilities with regard to the marketing of snowboards as they relate to Internet goals and objectives, defining markets, web hosting and utilizing existing web sites as pattern to follow. No bibliography.

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