• Recent Papers


      Focuses on data storage and information retrieval trends and tools in healthcare situations. There are 4 sources listed in the bibliography of this 4-page paper. ... MORE

    • Traveling: Washington DC

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation about traveling to Washington DC. This paper includes not only things to do when going to Washington DC, but also how to prepare for the trip. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Conditions in Old Age

      Dementia is becoming more prevalent because more people are living into older ages. As we age, we have a greater risk of getting one of these conditions. This paper discusses the reflections of an attendee at a presentation on Dementia and Suicide. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Student Plagiarism/Bibliographic Essay

      This literature review is on student plagiarism and discusses ethical models, the prevalence of plagiarism, and strategies to address it. Twenty pages in length, forty sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Elderly Women and Drug Misuse

      This is a two-topic paper. The first part reviews a journal article about older women using or misusing substances, mostly legal drugs and alcohol. The second part asked the writer to discuss SUD treatment for persons who have intellectual disabilities and if, ethically, the counselor needed to provide those services. There are four sources listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

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